Psychological safety is a crucial element in any successful organisation, fostering an environment where employees feel secure to express their ideas, concerns, and mistakes without fear of retribution. This concept has gained significant attention in recent years,...
10 Ways to Build Trust with Employees
By Michael Levy Successful leaders develop relationships with their team based on trust. Employees, when they feel trusted, supported and engaged, will give special effort to leaders they trust. Because the opposite is also true: employees rarely excel under the...
Managing a High Performance Environment
In workplaces all over the UK, there is a drive to improve performance – to obtain better quality and greater productivity. To do so is essential for national and international success in a highly competitive global market – for many, it’s simply a must for...
Six Qualities of a Top Performer – do you have them?
From Michael Levy From over decades of working with people from every level, in small to very large organisations, across every sector, we have found there are six characteristics or qualities that almost every top performer shares; and conversely, are under developed...
Thirteen Attributes of Leadership
Leadership is not about popularity. Leadership is not about charisma. Leaders, like the rest of us experience moments of self doubt and inner turmoil. This results in questioning their own character and judgement with honest reflection and a commitment to action. As...