Making of a Champion

A programme for high performance living

The Making of a Champion® (MOC) is a personal development course from Leadership Management International (LMI) designed to help young people reach their full potential. LMI was established in the 1960s and has worked with hundreds of thousands of leaders and managers across more than 80 countries, making us one of the world’s oldest and most successful people development organisations.

All this wealth of experience has gone into the creation of the MOC programme for young people that can help launch them into the future they desire and are capable of.

Also check out our free, On-Demand Making of a Champion foundations workshop

“Having a trophy or a medal doesn’t always define winning. I will always be successful when I’m at my happiest doing the thing I love. The course has helped me change the way I communicate with myself by using positive thinking which then has an effect on my actions.” Tegan Bowie

Silje Howes with Tegan Bowie and Fran Alonso (Celtic Women's 1st Team Manager

Silje Howes with Tegan Bowie and Fran Alonso – Celtic Women’s 1st Team Manager

MOC covers many of the major ‘life skills’ subject areas that employers, teachers, parents & careers advisors are continually saying young people need to develop in order to be successful in their chosen vocation, in their relationships and in fulfilling their potential. In addition, participants are also provided with LMI’s world class planning & goal setting tools which significantly impacts their personal effectiveness.

The MOC programmes contains 10 modules  with participants working on each lesson for either one or two weeks, coming together with the whole group for a 90 minute review & application workshop. These workshops are dynamic, interactive sessions where participants are able to express their ideas, feedback on how they have been inspired and what actions they have taken. Participation in these sessions helps develop confidence and desire to make the most of their talents and opportunities.

“I would highly recommend any organisation working with young people, particularly in sport, that they should invest in this programme; the results are priceless. From my experiences in education and sport I am of the opinion that young people have so many adult interventions that it’s difficult for them to develop or enhance the skills required for decision making, taking ownership and self responsibility for their actions and development.

The Making A Champion Programme is pitched perfectly at instilling the skill set young people need to be successful in any walk of life; from self reflection, goal setting, motivation, self belief and planning this programme covers it all and all are equally fundamental to becoming successful as your own champion. Through this programme I’ve seen Tegan in particular grow and develop so much…her ability to self reflect, the growth in her self-confidence and how she now holds herself; it has been amazing to watch. I’m sure the First Team Manager Fran will echo this and say that her development is reflected in her contributions within the team environment off the pitch coupled with her footballing performances.”

Tina Stewart, Celtic FC Girls Academy Manager

Sony Europe Graduate Programme

Screenshot of the post of graduates from SONY EUROPE who completed the Making of a Champion as part of their Graduates programme.

Listen to graduates from Sony speaking about their Making of a Champion experience:

10 Programme modules



Where motivation begins



Using your talents to the full


Personal goals

Dreams with a purpose



Paying the price



Preparation for success



The refusal to quit



Confidence to face every challenge


Concentration & Visualisation

Tools for building self-belief



Putting the proper value on winning


Winning attitudes

The quest for your best

“At the time I was studying for my A Levels. MOC was perfect at this time as it helped me keep a positive and focused mindset proving that a “positive attitude leads to positive results.”

Since completing MOC I have passed my driving test first time, got 3 A’s at A Level, allowing me to get into my first choice University. I achieved over a 1st overall in my first year at Uni.

I would highly recommend the programme as it allows you to evaluate how you approached challenges in the past, giving you the opportunity to achieve more by simply adjusting your mindset.”

– Rachel Cemlyn-Jones, A-Level Student

Each place on the MOC programme represents a significant, life-changing investment in a young person’s future which pays back many times over in the added value they bring to their workplace, family, school or club.

Funding for a young person to join the programme is typically from the employer, parents & family members, raised by the participant, or a combination of the above.

Please get in touch to reserve a place on one of our open programmes or to discuss hosting an in-house course.

The course was well received and had positive benefits to all of the students, particularly in terms of encouraging greater self-reflection and on their approach to studying. It was really easy to work with the course facilitator and LMI and it is hoped further courses will be able to be held in the coming years.

Mr M Evans, Head of Sixth Form – Lady Manners School, Bakewell

Next open course enrolment: tbc

Places limited. Contact us for costs and availability.

Complete the form or send us an email to discuss enrolment on our next course or speak about hosting &/or sponsoring your own young leaders programme.

If you are under 18, please also include contact details of an adult who can support your application.