LMI Ranks Number 1 in Training Programmes for 6th Year in a Row

by | Aug 6, 2015

15760906880_4b4681beb8_kGetting into a positive routine or groove, instead of a negative rut, will help you become more effective. Why is the subway the most energy efficient means of transportation? Because it runs on a track.

Think of the order in your day instead of the routine. Order is not sameness, neatness or everything exactly in its place. Order is not taking on more than you can manage, without still being able to do what you really choose. Order is the opposite of complication; it’s simplification. Order is not wasting a lot of time trying to find things. Order is avoiding a lot of recriminations because you didn’t do something you promised. Order is setting an effective agenda with others, so neither of you is disappointed. Order is doing in a day what you set out to do. Order frees you up.

Get into the swing of a healthy daily routine and discover how much more control you’ll gain in your life.


John Maxwell