Personal growth delivers corporate growth for Liberty SIPP Ltd
The Client
Liberty SIPP Ltd was established in 2007 to provide a practical and simple alternative in the Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) market. They offer an accessible, easy to understand and cost effective product that allows customers the greatest possible flexibility to manage their retirement funds.
To achieve the firm’s ambitious growth targets, the management team recognised it was essential for everyone to work smarter, not necessarily harder. The talented individuals within the business had to use their time more effectively and learn to set achievable short-term and long-term goals in line with firm’s growth strategy.
Believing in the benefit of helping develop employees to their full potential, Liberty engaged the services of local LMI-UK franchisee Michael Levy, who has facilitated programmes with many team members over recent years.
The Individual
With an understanding of how LMI programmes work and the benefits it delivers, the management team invited sales manager Matthew Rankine, to go a stage further. Whilst young, eager and ambitious, he needed direction to focus his efforts.
Having initially completed Effective Leadership Development (ELD) to develop his people management skills, he was introduced to the concepts of effective goal-setting, time management and effective delegation.
Recognised as one of Liberty SIPP’s rising stars, Matthew needed more support to realise his true potential; to understand his true purpose at work and at home, whilst creating the balance that would deliver the best results for him and the business.

LMI has helped me take personal responsibility for my future and that is truly empowering. Everyone has the potential to succeed and LMI is the catalyst that will undoubtedly deliver success at work and in your personal life. Matthew Rankine, Liberty SIPP
The Programme
Undertaking the Effective Personal Leadership (EPL) programme, would ensure Matthew made the most of his personal skills and his valuable time. In determining this to be the right approach, he was drawn to the EPL because, “it is full of really good advice, tips and tricks”, as he put it, rather than theory and obscure concepts.
Building on the LMI approach of spaced repetition, the programme was delivered over an 8-month period, with Michael and Matthew meeting every 2 weeks for an hourly, in-depth one-on-one session at Liberty’s Manchester offices.
Effective Personal Leadership provides a multi-sensory approach, which Matthew enjoyed, reading and using the comprehensive lesson notes rather than listening to the verbatim audio files.
However, the real benefit came from discussing with Michael how to apply the ideas and concepts from the lesson material to his personal situation and at each meeting assessing what worked, what didn’t and what could be tried ahead of the next meeting.
From lesson one, benefits of the programme were evident.
One of the essential principles of the programme that is introduced early on, taking personal responsibility, clearly resonated with Matthew, ensuring that he began to question his actions, modify his behaviour, concentrate on doing the right things more often and focus on high-pay-off activities to achieve his desired outcomes.
Effective Personal Leadership helps the individual understand the personal nature of personal leadership: learn the importance of self-knowledge and emotional intelligence, before learning to lead better.
The EPL programme delivers significant results for the individual at work, and plenty more to help balance work and life. It is a programme that also shows participants that helping develop people around them delivers further positive benefits for all concerned, their businesses and their families.
It is gratifying to see a talented individual like Matthew seize the opportunity and realise more of his potential. He now understands that LMI programmes change the individual so they feel confident to answer life’s questions themselves, rather than looking for a cheat sheet of quick fixes. Michael Levy, LMI-UK
The Benefits
Matthew reported that since completing the EPL programme, he has developed a much sharper focus on what he needed to achieve each day and in the long term, which in turn has boosted his confidence significantly.
Understanding that he has enough time at work if he uses it wisely, Matthew devotes his time outside office hours to his friends and family. He knows he has tasks he must complete in the day, and takes far less home and can now actually switch off when away from work.
Matthew and the team at Liberty have broken their sales targets every quarter in the last year, with a doubling of the assets under management in just two years. On a personal level, Matthew was promoted to the board as Director of Sales and Marketing, which he credits to the Effective Personal Leadership programme.
The Future
Every day, Matthew applies what he learned on the ELD and EPL programmes and is a staunch advocate of the LMI approach.
He understands that to deliver the permanent change in attitudes and behaviours needed to succeed, it takes multi-sensory learning, spaced-repetition and a patient approachable mentor who is prepared to work with you one-on-one, over a long period of time.The final words belong to Matthew: “This was a very effective programme. It was less about others and more about me; what I want to achieve and what I have to do to succeed. It highlighted the personal changes I needed to make and empowered me to make them.
“When I was appointed to Liberty’s board, the first person I told was Michael, which says all you need to know about the value I place on our relationship. Good guy, good programmes, good results.”