What’s your mind-set – Fixed or Growth

by | Apr 30, 2015

The world can be divided into learners and non – learners. Over emphasise on talent is why people become non- learners. Talent is just a starting point.

When people have a fixed mind-set they are more concerned about what they have. With a growth mind-set your talent is just a starting point.

The basis of intelligence can be taught – the capacity to learn.

Greatest stress / pressure on people is to have the right answers – fixed mind-sets, whereas people with a growth mind-set have the ability to learn from their mistakes.

Very often fixed mind-set people want to look smart and talented at all costs whereas growth mind-set people want to learn, learn, and learn. They care about learning.

Do you want to do a task you are already good at to look good or a task where you can learn?

Growth mind-set people have faith in their ability to change themselves and the environment in which they operate.

Fixed mind-set people very often think that you do not have to work hard if you have talent [they hit a wall]. Growth mind-set people work hard because it is a value.

Fixed mind-set people when faced with set – backs can hide deficiencies because they do not believe in mistakes. They find it difficult to recover from mistakes.

Where do mind-sets come from? – from messages

We need to praise for effort and not merely the result – “ I valued the process you were engaged in”

Focus on passion /dedication as opposed to brilliance

Sometimes we have successes and sometimes we have failures.

Fixed mind-set people do not welcome feedback and do not mentor their staff enough.

Growth mind-set managers should be nurturing their staff more.

3 Rules of Mind-Sets

Fixed Mind-Set

  1. Look smart [clever] at all times
  2. Don’t work too hard
  3. Conceal mistakes and deficiencies

Growth Mind-Set

  1. Learn, Learn, and Learn
  2. Work hard, effort is key
  3. Embrace mistakes, confront deficiencies

How LMI can help

The work we do on personal development with people through our programmes is to develop the way they think and act to attain their personal and organisational success goals. Attitude is everything and changing mind-sets is a key determinate of success for those people taking part in a personal development programme.

Fixed mind-sets have been formed through conditioning. As an example, if parents continually tell their children that they are brilliant and clever then that can become their self- image and expectation. Need the right balance for both praising for the result and the personal effort, even if the result is less than perfect!

Before you can embark on changing your habits you first need to change your attitude, or your habit of thinking. Having sufficient growth mind-set people in companies is essential for continuous improvement, change and for sustained growth and profitability.

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