Railway Industry Association Young Professionals event

by | May 30, 2022

The Railway Industry Association runs regular Trailblazer events for young professionals working within their member organisations. Last week LMI UK’s Nick Howes had the honour of presenting our Making of a Champion™ foundations workshop to a packed room of around 40 delegates at RIA head office in London.

Exploring key leadership concepts such as goal setting and motivation, this Trailblazers event was received enthusiastically by a vibrant group of young professionals.

“The group impressed me immensely with their maturity, openness and desire to fully grasp the ideas presented. The various small-group discussions were lively to say the least”, commented Nick. “I love that RIA are placing such a high priority on engaging with the younger people from within their member organisations. This bodes really well for the quality of future leadership within the rail industry.”


Here is a snippet of the feedback posted via LinkedIn:

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your work shop this Tuesday, incredible to look back on it and trying to apply some of the topics your spoke about.”

“Learnt a lot around success, developing goals, finding your direction and ultimately, how to make a champion out of myself.”

Event organiser, RIA’s Isabella Lawson, felt the event was a great success, with the majority of those present attending their first Trailblazer event. “Great to have so many early careers professionals from RIA member companies come in and learn about the keys to success.

At LMI we believe to our core that leadership is first personal, then organisational/positional, and the younger the better when it comes to developing leadership attitudes and behaviours. If you represent young people in education or early careers and would like to discuss hosting a similar event, please get in touch via [email protected]